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CroP -BioDiv

Ovaj projekt provodi se zbog velikog utjecaja oplemenjivanja biljaka na razvoj biljaka u RH. U zadnjih 60-ak godina registrirano je više od 1200 novi kultivara, nastalih novim metodama molekularnog oplemenjivanja biljaka. Iako klasične metode uvelike doprinose povećanju kvalitete i financijskom prinosu, u 21. stoljeću nisu dovoljne za stvaranje novih kultivara i učinkovito oplemenjivanje bilja. Suvremeni programi oplemenjivanja biljaka, uključuju nove i bolje metode fenotipizacije i genotipizacije, a sve posljedice pomno su istražene tokom prijašnjih 25 godina, i u rezultatima istraživanja vidljiva je dominacija multinacionalnih oplemenjivačkih tvrtki. Do sada, zbog rascjepkanosti istarživačkih skupina, nedostatne znanstvene edukacije, te kratkotrajnosti i financijske ograničenosti prethodnih istraživačkih radova, primjena novih metoda fenotipizacije i genotipizacije bila je veoma oskudna i skromna. Ovim projektom želi se ostvariti nova istraživačka mreža, s ciljem pronalaska novih načina unapređivanja sustava visokog obrazovanja, uključivanja u Europski istrživački prostor te poticanja novih oplemenjivačkih programa i plasiranja sjemenarstva na poziciju više iskoristiva sektora poljoprivrede u RH. Ovaj projekt će imati pozitivan učinak na razvitak nacionalne industrije sjemena i sadnog materijala pa rezultira cjelokupnim razvitakom prehrambene i poljoprivredne industrije u RH.

This project is being implemented because plant breeding in the Republic of Croatia is a key aspect of agricultural development. In the last 60 years, more than 1200 new cultivars have been registered, created by new methods of molecular plant breeding. Although older methods contribute greatly to quality increase and financial returns, they are no longer sufficient in the 21st century to develop new cultivars and effectively molecularly enrich plants. Modern plant breeding programs include new and improved methods of phenotyping and genotyping, all of which have been thoroughly investigated over the past 25 years, and the results of research show the dominance of multinational breeding companies. So far, due to the fragmentation of the research groups, the lack of scientific education, and the short duration and financial constraints of previous research works, the application of new methods of phenotyping and genotyping has been very scarce and modest. This project seeks to achieve a new research network with the aim of finding new ways of improving the higher education system, joining the European Research Area, encouraging new breeding programs, and placing seed production in the position of the more utilizable agriculture sector in the Republic of Croatia. We are also counting on this project to have a positive impact on the development of the national seed and planting industry, and as a consequence, the overall development of the food and agricultural industry in the Republic of Croatia.

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Kratko o nama ... / About us ...

Sve je počelo u X. gimnaziji "Ivan Supek" kada smo, uz poticaj naših profesorica, poslali prijavnicu za sudjelovanje u edukacijskom izazovu - ASOC. Nas 30 izabrano je za daljnji rad. Nakon upoznavanja i pomnog uproučavanja, izabrali smo projekt "Bioraznolikost i molekuralno oplemenjivanje bilja". Dok Vi ovo čitate mi najvjerojatnije sjedimo na sastanku i izvršavamo zadatke, a ako vas zanima kakvi su to zadatci i kakvim pitanjima se bavimo, nastavite čitati.

It all started in the X. gymnasium "Ivan Supek". Encouraged by our teachers, we had sent our applications to be a part of the education challenge - ASOC. 30 of us were chosen to take part. After we all had met each other and discussed all the topics we decided to go with "Biodiversity and molecular enrichment of plants". While you are reading this we are probably having a meeting and finishing our tasks. If you are keen on getting to know more about our project and the problems we have faced along the way, keep on reading.

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