Zašto smo odabrali ovaj projekt ... / Why this project ...
Kao projekt odabrali smo "Bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja". Ukupna vrijednost projekta jest 37.511.157,87 kn, a od toga 82% financira EU, iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. Odlučili smo istražiti ovaj projekt jer je tema oplemenjivanja bilja i genetske modifikacije danas vrlo aktualna i bitna za razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje.Također nam se čini kao zanimljiv projekt iz kojeg možemo mnogo naučiti i informirati se.
Projekt se bavi genetskom modifikacijom, a ako niste najbolje upoznati temom GMO-a, evo nekoliko dobrih i loših strana:
GMO bilje se proizvodi jer je puno otpornije na parazite i bolesti te je tolerantnije na niske temperaure i suše, što proizvodnju čini znatno jeftinijom i uspješnijom.Također se može poboljšati okus biljaka i povećati količina vitamina i minerala koje bilje sadrži . Povećanjem otpornosti biljaka lakše se transportira, što čini biljke dostupnije većem broju ljudi u svijetu. Iako do sada nije provedeno dovoljno relevantnih istraživanja o utjecaju GMO-a na zdravlje, poznato je da može izazvati alergije i toksičnost kao i druge namirnice.
As our project, we have selected "Biodiversity and molecular enrichment of plants". The total value of the project is 37.511.157,87 kn, of which 82% is financed by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund. We decided to research this project because the topic of plant breeding and genetic modification is very relevant, and also important for the development of agricultural production. It also seems like an interesting project from which we can learn a lot and become more informed.
The project deals with genetic modification, and if you are not familiar with the topic of GMOs here are some pros and cons:
GMO plants are produced because of their higher resistance to parasites and diseases. Those plants are also more tolerant of low temperatures and drought, which makes production significantly cheaper and more successful. They can also improve the taste of plants and increase the number of vitamins and minerals it contains. By increasing the resistance of plants, transportation is easier, making it more accessible to more people in the world. Although not enough relevant research has been conducted so far on the health effects of GMOs, it is known that it can cause allergies and toxicity as can other foods.