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Ovaj projekt se provodi zbog velike dobrobiti oplemenjivanja biljaka pri razvitku poljoprivrede u RH. U zadnjih 60-ak godina registrirano je više od 1200 novi kultivara...

Želite li saznati više, kliknite na gumb ispod.

This project is being implemented because plant breeding tremendously contributes to agricultural development in the Republic of Croatia. In the last 60 years, more than 1200 new cultivars have been registered ...

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"At the school of open cohesion" rasprostranjen je online edukacijski tečaj, namijenjen učenicima srednjih škola, koji je osnovan u Italiji, 2013. godine. Svrha ovog projekta je povećanje angažmana mladih u praćenju i istraživanju učinkovitosti kohezijske politke...

Želite li saznati više, kliknite na gumb ispod.

"At the school of open cohesion" is a widespread online educational course for high school students, launched in 2013, in Italy. The purpose of this project is to increase young people's engagement in monitoring and exploring the effectiveness of cohesion politics...

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