FAZA 01 / PHASE 01
Ovaj smo projekt započeli prvim sastankom na kojem je sudjelovalo trideset učenika. Profesorice Novosel i Roth izložile su nam ponuđene teme...
Želite li saznati više, kliknite na gumb ispod.
We started this project at our first meeting, at which thirty people participated. Professors Novosel and Roth displayed possible research topics...
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FAZA 02 / PHASE 02
U drugoj fazi ovog projekta nam je pomogao prof. Zlatko Šatović, voditelj projekta "Bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja", koji pratimo. Profesor nas je posjetio u školi i održao predavanje kako bi nam predstavio projekt...
In the second phase of this project, we were helped by prof. Zlatko Šatović, the project leader of the project "Biodiversity and molecular breeding of plants", that we are monitoring. The professor paid us a visit to our school and gave a lecture to introduce us to the project...

FAZA 03 / PHASE 03
Unatoč nedavnoj nezgodnoj situaciji, sastanci se ipak nastavljaju! Sastanke imamo minimalno dva puta tjedno, što je jednako koliko bismo ih inače imali u školi.
U zajedničkoj grupi, koju imamo na WhatsApp aplikaciji ...
Despite the recent unpleasant situation, the meetings continue nonetheless! We have meetings at least twice a week, which is equal to how many we would otherwise have at school.In the joint group, which we have on the WhatsApp application ...

FAZA 04 / PHASE 04
Tijekom 4. faze, ništa nas nije moglo zaustaviti, pa ni svjetska pandemija! Unatoč nemogućnosti učestalih susreta, rad na projektu nismo usporili te smo dali sve od sebe kako bismo ga uspješno priveli kraju. Uz pomoć naših marljivih...
During Phase 4, nothing could stop us, not even a world-wide pandemic! Despite the impossibility of frequent meetings, we did not slow down the work on the project and we did our best to successfully bring it to an end. With the help of our diligent...